Thursday, October 4, 2007

Count Me In

O.K., I'm finally going to give in and just do it. For a while now, I've been reading and enjoying many of the book blogs out there. One of the things that became apparent pretty quickly is the fact that reading challenges abound. This was new to me, but believe me they're everywhere. The problem for someone like me is choosing between them. For anyone who still doesn't know what these are, I'll explain (however, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the last people to discover them). It's probably easier if I just give an example. One of the ones that I've decided to join is the Bibliography Challenge. In this challenge, participants choose three books about books or stories in which books figure prominently. Once you've chosen your books, you post a comment on the blog of the person who originated the challenge. In this case it is Historia. This just allows everyone to keep up with who is participating. After reading my books, I'll then post reviews here and post a comment with a link on the original blog. I think it'll be fun. I also think it'll be a way for me to start making a dent in my huge tbr (to-be-read) pile.

My tbr pile is currently growing at an astronomical rate. In fact, my husband is going to build me some custom bookshelves covering one whole wall of our dining room (thanks, honey). This is on top of the bookcases that I already have in every room of my house. Books are stacked double- and triple-deep on many of them. So, maybe I should join a couple more challenges?! Or maybe I should join a support group!

For the Bibliography Challenge, which runs from October to December 2007, I have chosen:

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
Ex-Libris by Ross King
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

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